The site of the production of an object image etc
How was it made?
It was an oil pianting, made by an artist
Using what methods tools and what kinds of technology?
Because of its age technology was extremely basic, this painting was drawn by hand and then painted. The process took several years.
Is it identifiable to a particular genre?
It is identifiable to many people all over the world (aslong as they have acess to the internet, news, media etc.) It has been known as '
the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world'
The Mona Lisa is kept at the museum de Louvre in Paris which has over visitors a year, therefore is seen by many tourists of all ages from all over the world.
Who made it?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Between 1503-1506
Why did they make it?
I believe it was made for money, I think this because Leonardo Di Vinci's proffession was an artist, and therfore tried to make a living off this. I do not believe it was made for just anybody. It was property of king's of royaly and therefore made for a wealthy client such as this.
Who was it made for?
I believe a wealthy client.
What else was made at the same time?
There were many artists around this time especially in Paris. Here a few from that period:
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donato Bramante, Giorgione, Titan, Fra Bartolomeo,
Mariotto Albertinelli, Andrea Del Sarto, and Correggio
The site of the image
The use of colour, tone, texture
It is very dark, although I feel it may have become darker through time as it is over 500 years old. There are dark colours used such as brown/black. There is a thickness, a depth to the texture of the image wgich has been acheived from using oil paints.
Its content, function
It dos nt really have a 'function' as it is a peice of artwork, which to me is for people of any any or backgroung, to enjoy, read, and enjoy. To evoke a feeling as such.
How does the image relate to its social context?
These sorts of paintings i.e using oil paints and drawing portraits of woman were popular at this time. As I have siad there were many artists around in this era also. Painting was very popular especially portraits as people had no other way of capturing a moment, a scene and what people looked liked. This could then be used to communicate not just wher it was made but other countries too.
The site of the audience
Has it been displayed and where? The Louvre Museum in Paris
How has it been circulated? Many reprints have been made on postcards, calenders and prints on canvass mainly for tourist reasons.
Are there multiple images, or just one? There is only one of this image. The original is kept in the museum, although there are rumours that the painting on display is actually a copy and the original is kept in a vault underneath the museum.
Who is the audience? Is there more then one? tourists? art lovers? Both tourists, art lovers and historians. I feel alot of its interest today is to do with how old it is and the what it tells people about that era.